Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
Oracle PLSQL
1) Aggregate Functions
2) Analytical Functions
3) Char Functions
4) Constraints
5) Conversion Functions
6) Cursor
7) Data Type
8) Date Timezone
9) Hierarchical Query
10) Index
11) Insert Delete Update
12) Large Objects
13) Numeric Math Functions
14) Object Oriented Database
15) PL SQL
16) Regular Expressions
17) Report Column Page
18) Result Set
19) Select Query
20) Sequence
21) SQL Plus
22) Stored Procedure Function
23) Subquery
24) System Packages
25) System Tables Views
26) Table
27) Table Joins
28) Trigger
29) User Previliege
30) View
31) XML
1) A cursor FOR loop
2) A cursor with a FOR UPDATE clause
3) A function that uses a CURSOR FOR Loop
4) A subquery in the FROM clause of a cursor within a cursor FOR loop
5) A WHILE cursor fetch loop
6) After the cursor is opened, the book table is dropped prior to looping through the cursor
7) An explicit cursor fetch loop
8) An explicit cursor that selects data
9) An illegal location for a cursor
10) Assign value from cursor to a table collection by index
11) Behavior of the NO_DATA_FOUND exception
12) Below is a function that demonstrates how to use the CLOSE statement
13) Below is a function that demonstrates how to use the FETCH statement
14) Calculation based on cursor value
15) Check Cursor%FOUND after fetching
16) Check cursor%found with if statement in for loop
17) Check SQL%ROWCOUNT after update statement
18) Close a cursor after looping
19) Close a cursor and open it again with another query
20) Close cursor after while loop
21) Close cursor in excpetion handler
22) Closing the Cursor Variable
23) Column value indexed cursor
24) Combine for loop and if statement to check the value in cursor
25) Create a cursor in for statement
26) Cursor attributes
27) Cursor for loop
28) Cursor found property
29) Cursor isopen property
30) Cursor OPEN Example
31) Cursor parameters are used to specify the classid for which lecturer is listed at runtime
32) Cursor performance
33) Cursor Variable Example 2
34) Cursor Variables Assignment
35) Cursor with a single value
36) Cursor with parameter
37) Cursor within a cursor
38) Cursor without parameters (simplest)
39) Declaration of a parameterized cursor which has two parameters
40) Declare ref cursors
41) Define and use reference cursor
42) Defines and declares a reference cursor before explicitly opening it
43) Delete from table where current of cursor
44) Demonstrates the %ROWCOUNT cursor attribute by using a single-row implicit cursor based on the DUAL pseudotable
45) Different BULK_COLLECT statements used for bulk binds
46) Exit When Cursor%NOTFOUND
47) Explicit Attribute
48) Explicit Cursor and notfound
49) Explicit Cursor Demo
50) Explicit cursor with cursor variable
51) Explicit cursor with parameter
53) Fetch cursor data to number variable
54) Fetch cursor till cursorVariable%notfound
55) Fetch cursor till notfound
56) Fetch cursor to table collection of row type
57) Fetch cursor to two variables
58) Fetch cursor value to three variables
59) Fetch out cursor value and insert to another table
60) Fetch row by row
61) Fetch single column cursor to varchar2 variable
62) Fetch value from cursor
63) Fetch value in cursor until NOTFOUND
64) Fetches the records from a cursor variable that returns employee information
65) For data in ( select from tableName )
66) For each row in a cursor
67) For loop with parameterized cursor
68) Form sentences from database data
69) IF csr_org%ROWCOUNT = 1 THEN
70) If cursor not found, reset the value
71) If cursor%found, if cursor%notfound
72) If statement and single piece value in cursor
73) Implicit and Explicit Cursors
74) Implicit Cursor Attributes
75) Implicit cursor by for loop
76) Implicit cursors
77) In the UPDATE statement, you use the WHERE CURRENT OF option to identify the record to be updated
78) Incorrect location of the EXIT WHEN statement
79) Legal and illegal FETCH statements
80) Loop till exit when cursorName%notfound
81) Modified the cursor FOR LOOP presented earlier to include %ROWCOUNT
82) Nested cursor demo
84) Number Parameterized Cursors
85) Open a cursor based on the result of row_number over partition by, order by
86) Open a cursor for read
87) Open cursor by index
88) Open cursor from a dynamic statement
89) Open SYS_REFCURSOR for select from
90) ORA-01002
91) ORA-1002
92) ORA-6511 error
93) Output last row in a cursor
94) Output value in cursor one by one
95) PLS-00394
96) Read full table data from a cursor
97) REF CURSOR custom type
98) Refcursor variable
99) Reference cursor demo
100) Reference implicit in insert statement
101) Reference value in a cursor by cursor variable
102) Return sys_refcursor from a function
103) Server-side cursor variables
104) Set the REFCURSOR variable to the results of a SELECT statement, and print out the REFCURSOR variable
105) Simple Loop and fetch cursor
106) Single column cursor
107) SQL%NOTFOUND and if statement
108) Sql%rowcount macro
109) Strong ref cursor
110) SYS_REFCURSOR type parameter
111) Sys_refcursor type variable
112) Test cursor attributes with an implicit cursor
113) The %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, and %ROWCOUNT cursor attributes can be used to guide a loop
114) Two identical queries to demonstrate the impact of changes
115) Update statement with cursor variable
116) Use Complex cursor to simplify the plsql logic
117) Use cursor attributes on the implicit SQL cursor
118) Use cursor to do full table scan
119) Use cursor to store the row count
120) Use data referenced by cursor to update table
121) Use EXIT WHEN studentCursor%NOTFOUND just after fetch statement
122) Use explicit cursor to fetch and store value to number variable
123) Use for loop cursor
124) Use for loop to loop through the cursor
125) Use implicit cursor
126) Use implicit or explicit cursor to insert 50000 rows to a table
127) Use native dynamic SQL to process queries
128) Use number functions when creating a cursor value
129) Use passed in value with creating a cursor
130) Use plsql, cursor and for loop to count table
132) While Cursor%FOUND
133) While cursorName%found, loop
134) While programmers%FOUND loop
135) Write an explicit cursor in a FOR loop and use the data
136) Write an implicit cursor in a FOR loop and use the data